Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's So Much Better!

I love high school compared to jr. high! My classes are as follows:

  1. Computer Tech- Not my choice class, but I guess it's not too bad. The teacher (Mrs. Gooch) isn't the nicest teacher in the school, but she's nicer than the some, so I'm not complaining.
  2. Debate 1- Way cool course, with the coolest teacher in the entire school. Mrs. Hyer is way funny, and she actually does teach us. I haven't actually had Mr. T, but I imagine that her personality and teaching ethic is very similar to his.
  3. Fit For Life- This is the only class I think I'll have problems in, but not because it's hard. The teacher is very, very disorganized. On the first day, she spent twenty-thirty minutes trying to sound out everybody's name. It made her look, um....well, like a high school drop-out or something. It's not very nice I know, but...
  4. Chemistry Honors- This class is the only science class that didn't sound boring to me. I'd fall asleep in biology really, really fast, and physics isn't much better. Chemistry, on the other hand, sounds somewhat fun, and very helpful. It also helps that a lot of my friends are doing it. My chemistry teacher is good and fun, but she talks a little on the fast side, so we have to ask her to repeat things occasionally.
  5. World Civ- Ha ha! I was going to do AP Euro, but I decided that I didn't want 4 hours of homework, so I switched to World Civ. Now I only have 2 hours of homework a day (kidding)!
  6. Pre-Calc Honors-Sooooo much better than last year. My teacher, Mrs. Brough, is way nice. She allows us to actually work during close, which is a luxury that I wasn't giving last year. The teacher actually teaches us, instead of giving us examples and saying "go figure it out".
  7. Seminary- Good old seminary! My teacher is Brother Clayton, and is the first person from Idaho that I've ever met with no Idahoan accent. He's pretty cool, too.
  8. English Honors-This class is kinda wierd, since we have a substitute for three-four more weeks. The substitute isn't too bad though, since when she was a teacher, she taught 10th grade English Honors. We're expected to do quite a lot in this class, but it's not too bad.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I've never been one who likes or enjoys school, but I can't help but be a little excited for high school. I'm not saying I have school spirit or anything, because I don't. It's just that I like to try new stuff, which is odd because I don't like change either (in fact, I get extremely stubborn when it comes to changing). High school has a lot more options too. I'm still sad about my friends who I'm leaving. Although hopefully we'll be able to get together often!