Friday, September 21, 2007

Was that an insane week or WHAT!?!

Well, this week was...umm...definitely character building! With that EXPLORE test and all. It was also probably the most homeworked week of my school career. I had like 777 different assignments, 100 pages to read in like 7 hours, and about 77 different soccer events to attend. (I tend to exagerate a little bit.) As I'm sure you can tell, I've had a somewhat busy week. I've always admired those people who can actually budget their time well enough to have a week like mine and still have spare time. But, now it's the end of the week and things have started to settle down a little bit. I have even had time to look a tad closer at this blog page and discover its innermost secrets. Still, I'm not entirely done, I still have a few French papers due Monday (I have no idea why I'm still taking that class) and two science mini-projects to do.

I hate that ninth grade has so much homework! (ex. I spend more time doing my math homework than I spend in the class.) And if that wasn't enough, I have gotten sick with a ? virus that the doctors think might be mono-related, which has caused me to be extra, extra tired this week. But amidst all the bad, there is some good news. Everyone I have talked to has told me that 9th grade will settle down and I will actually get used to the homework and the extreme torture of science class.

My classes this year are somewhat amusing. I have manufacturing this year and it is a pretty awesome class. So far we have listened to rock music, thrown a boomerang, talked in class and had a couple of safety tests (w/out cheesy safety videos). My next class is "release time" which is actually a very fun class. My teacher, Brother John, is a very humorous individual. We learn about the scriptures and he makes it a lot of fun. And then, I have the class where like nobody does any work AT ALL in class-geography. There are more "naughty" kids in there than any other class I have. After geography, my classes start going downhill. I have to go to math, which isn't all that bad, but I didn't exaggerate when I said I had a lot of homework in there. Then I have lunch. I know a lot of kids who would die for first lunch, but I ain't one of 'em, I would rather eat later. Then I have French which, in my opinion, is a complete waste of my time. The only reason I take it is for a college application. I would much rather take Latin on BYU independent study if I had the time. By the way, BYU is the BEST college to go to! After French class, I have science, which is worse than the blackest pits of Tartarus(from Greek myth). Don't get me wrong, I love science as a subject, I just don't like how it's being taught. After science is English, which is a pretty relaxing end to the day. I have a few friends that I sit by in there and we laugh and joke around. By the time English gets over, I hang around for a minute or two so I can talk with friends before leaving. And so ends my day at school!

Now, if you read this opinionated report and you think to yourself, This guy is an optimist, then I don't know where you got that impression, but it is CORRECT! If, however you got the impression that I am a pessimist, then sorry, but please reread the blog and choose the correct answer!


Unknown said...

You are optomistic. I know that for a face. LOL! I had that much homework to. School is getting a little to hard for my taste expecially math.

Panda Girl said...

Yeah math takes up most of my homework time. Glad that you are an optimist. Better than a pessimist! LOL ;)