Saturday, April 12, 2008

Grrrrrr, Siblings!

OK, before I get anywhere in this I'd like to just clarify the title. I do NOT dislike my siblings. I'm actually glad that I've got them. (One reason being that if they weren't there I'd be expected to do a lot more around the house.) No, what I meant with the title is that sometimes they can try to pull annoying little phases of irritatingly weirdness on you. Know what I mean?

Like today, my brother got a new game. I had decided that I was going to invite a friend over to go to a BYU Ballroom Dance performance down in Provo. Well, my seventh grade brother decides that he won't let my friend touch the new game during his brief stay at my house. Now, I don't really care about his stupid game, I've already got a game better than his anyway, but I'm one of those people who are all about the principle of "why"*. So I asked him. He then goes on to explain that the reason is because he thinks that my friend is a nerd. Then, pretty much mid-sentence, he say's that my friend isn't a nerd, but a geek. And that's not even the end of it! A little while later he has completely abandonedthe idea of my friend being a geek, and say's that he's just weird. So I ask him, slightly indignantly, "Why do you say that?" He couldn't even give me a half-decent answer! His reasoning was along the lines of, "He just is," or, "Because." Not a very solid response. Nothing bugs me more than a unsolid response to a question.

When you accuse someone or something of something, I believe you'd better have a really good reason to the question, "Why?" Otherwise, your argument is a waste of breath. So, even though I don't intend on playing his game anyway, I argue away with that kid. Finally, realizing that it's pointless to argue with me, as it almost always is, he relents.

I still don't plan on us playing that game...unless my friend wants to play it, but that isn't a terribly likely scenario. Siblings are really weird, huh? I can't even begin to imagine the time that I would've done something like that. I probably did though. Maybe I still do...I don't know. I can't actually remember! So... I will write myself one of those challenges (and hopefully remember to keep it) to devote myself to never being a complete and utter idiot.

*Actually, this is only the case in instances when there are no bad consequences for me. For example, if the principle that I want to debate is a federal, state, city, household or public office law or rule, I will try not to askwhy, because I hate getting in trouble.


Anonymous said...

That reminds me of my brother! Really frustrating sometimes.... Like the other day I was reading an e-mail from my friend. He comes up behind me, starts reading the e-mail my friend sent me (which is a major pet peeve of mine,)and then starts insulting the girl who e-mailed me! Apparently I had the same reaction as you, I gave him a venomous look and asked, "Mike, why would you say something that rude, you know she's my best friend!" He gave me a dumb look and said, "Well, I dunno, she is what she is." I had a good come back, but I didn't say what I wanted to, "It takes one to know one Mike!" Sometimes you just have to be patient with your siblings.