Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Read My Blogs! (Unless You Don't Want To)

I, being the genius that I am, noticed that some days I"ll write small blogs and other times I'll write long blogs. I also noticed that when I write a long blog, not as many people comment; and when I write a short blog, people do. Who else has noticed this? Or is it just me and people just don't want to take the time to read mine because, unfortunately, you don't know me as well as you know others. If that's it, then it's your loss because you don't get to be as enlightened. OK, fine, you'd be just as enlightened, just not in the same way.


Panda Girl said...

Well... I've noticed it too. If I write a short blog on my life, more people comment. If I write a good story, but it's really long, NO ONE comments!!! It's crazy :P
I think you should still write however long your blog turns out to be. :D

Brain said...

Don't worry, I plan on writing however many words I want per blog!

Border Walker said...

Don't worry dude, I don't read very many blogs, so don't take it personally, I don't read everyones equally! lol jk, I just forget to read, and others I just don't have anything to say

Hillary said...

I feel like no ever reads any of my blogs either. There are only like two people who ever comment. I think it isn't just that they're long, though, I think it also has to do with how much time everyone has.