Saturday, December 15, 2007

I Ask For Your Opinion!

This is the letter I sent to that Letters for Literature contest. I was wondering what you guys (and girls) thought of it? Don't worry...I'm open to constructive critcism!

Dear Mr. Christopher Paolini,

I first read Eragon in the fifth grade. Now, about four years later, I, Moe Joe, have read this book at least 25 times! Eragon is one of my favorite books. It is a very good thing for me to see a book that is extremely well written and with an intense plot, that was written by someone only a little bit older than I am. This knowledge, I know, has given many other people who were previously scared to write stories (even though they had talent) the drive and confidence to express themselves through their writing.
Even better, I think you would be delighted to know that Eragon has had a very big influence on me. For example, when I was in fifth grade, I used to play pretend games where I had a dragon named Saphira and was blasting Urgals to bits left and right using magic. Reading Eragon changed my youth by inspiring my childhood creativity and interest in fantasy. I can only imagine what it must feel like to you knowing that being the author of such a popular book, you have literally changed the lives of many people. To me, that would be more than I could comprehend.
Another thing that I thought was very good about Eragon was that I read about how much effort you put into the writing, editing, publishing, and promoting of your book. Some people, such as myself, might have given up long ago. I probably wouldn’t have lasted a month. Your dedication shows up in your writing, too. All throughout your book are the constant reminders showing the importance of hard work. The character, Eragon, faces dangerous mountains looking for food for his family. Being in our world where machines are constantly making our load much easier, some of us tend to forget that we need to know how to do things ourselves. We’re becoming a lazier society with video games and TV. Eragon taught me that hard work is important no matter how much you dislike it. I think it was good for our society to finally get an extremely popular fantasy book with a good moral about working hard.
One of my favorite characters from Eragon was Roran. I know that he wasn’t a very well developed character in Eragon, but he actually had one of the largest impacts on me. He always seemed to be looking into the future and trying to decide what was the best course of action. After a while, reading about him kind of awakened me to how I thought I should be acting. I’m not saying that I was a bad kid; it’s just that at that particular point in time I wasn’t acting as well as I should be. I wasn’t planning at all or looking ahead. Roran was a kind of kick in the pants that I didn’t really notice was kicking me until I read the book for about the millionth time. He was one of the many factors that made MY life better.
My only wish for Eragon was that you could have been a little more involved with the movie Eragon. With a book of that caliber, it was a pity that it had to be shown in theaters with almost none of the original plot. I’m not saying that it was a really bad movie, because it was very well done as far as special effects and acting are concerned, but my friends and I were still extremely disappointed with how it turned out.
Finally, I would like you to continue to touch the lives of others with your writing because it makes a difference. I have enjoyed Eldest as well and I’m looking forward to your third book. As I’m sure you know by now, writers have a big impact on society and with an ever-changing world, we need plenty of good influences.


Moe Joe


Panda Girl said...

That's a good letter! I've read Eragon before... I never saw it that way though! Cool! :D

Alina said...

Are you sure you want to put your real name on there?

Brain said...

I intended to edit that out but forgot, so I'll do it now!