Sunday, May 25, 2008

"So Long And Thanks For All The Fish"!

Well, since this is probably among the last posts I'll ever make on my blog, I'll take this chance to say good-bye to all the friends and family who ever bothered to read what I wrote. I'd also like to wish the worst of luck to anyone who didn' t read what I wrote! OK, I'm just kidding there! I'll probably still post on my blog every once and a while, but I doubt I'll ever write a 500 word post again! Phew!


Unknown said...

Please keep posting. It is fun to read. You have a weird imagination that is funny when you write it down.

Brain said...

Thank You...if that was a compliment, I couldn't really tell!

Panda Girl said...

Yes! Keep posting! Please!
Your writing is very insightful!