Sunday, June 1, 2008

Letter From Mr. T

This is my letter from Mr. T written by myself. The assignment was to write a letter from Mr. T's perspective and give yourself an analysis on how you did in the course. I personally think that this letter is not all that far off from the truth and I'm sure Mr. T agrees as well!

Dear Moe,
Bravo! There is nothing that I like more in a student, especially when in honors, than having a student who will stick it through to the very end. In your case, what makes sticking it through even more incredible, is you posted everything on time for both your blog and your forum. You also did every writing contest and essay on time, too! This is not something that I can say about every student, which makes the praise that much more special. The only problem that I have to admonish you on is that while you did everything on time, occasionally it wasn't your VERY best work. I would imagine that this would be a result of procrastination and encourage you to change such behavior as you move on to a less forgiving high school. Overall, however, I believe that you deserve an "A" for the class for on time, relatively creative blogs and forum posts. I could tell that as the year passed, your posts become a lot more organized and the errors in them lessened. Once again, Bravo!

Mr. T