Friday, March 28, 2008

Sad, But True!

Well, Third term is over! We're on the home stretch of fourth term. Has anyone noticed, but this school year has gone by so fast? Why? This has been the only school year that I've wished could've gone a little bit slower because next year the ninth grade gets split. Is it because I want it to go slower that it goes faster? I've given up trying to find the answer to that particular mystery.

I've noticed in myself that as the school year goes on, it becomes harder and harder to blog about something. It's not that I'm running out of ideas to blog about! I've got plenty of those. It's just that as the year rolls on, I find myself not writing nearly as much as I was at the beginning. I'm not sure if it's because I'm feeling like I don't have the time or if I'm just stressed about school. Has anyone else come across these "writer's blocks"?


Lots of Keys said...

9th grade has gone by really fast... Too fast... I think the classes we got to choose had something to do with it. I liked most of my classes in eighth grade, but there was one in each semester that I really didn't like at all and it seemed to take forever to get through(science with Greenaway!!!! and some keyboarding class). Gym and health were my favorite though. I loved those classes. Now that I'm in ninth grade I don't have any classes that I don't like. I enjoy all of my classes.

Kar Kar said...

9th grade really has gone by too fast. However with the blogs I for some reason have found it easier to blog now that it is fourth term. Maybe it's because the rest of the year I haven't really blogged about anything too serious or what I was really thinking so now I have so many things to say before I go... I think I'm going to keep my blog though and do it for like....ever. What happened to me this weekend is that I had NOTHING to blog about, so I simply blogged about that and that gave me SO many ideas. It was cool.