Saturday, January 5, 2008


Today while I was trying to do my blog, my parents and grandparents turned on the TV to watch the New Hampshire Presidential Debates. I tried to write a good blog, I really did, but I love to argue... so when someone's debating......well, I didn't really write much of a blog. But now it's all done and over and I'm away from the TV, so I'll talk (write) about the debates.

Debating is one of my favorite hobbies. I'll debate anything with anyone. Sometimes this gets me in trouble. Sometimes it makes people laugh. I don't care because I have fun whenever I do it, and my opponent usually does too... I think. There's only one problem with my debating. It's that sometimes the nice, kind, compassionate soul that we all know and love becomes somewhat less compassionate, way more uncaring, and overall somewhat mean. But that's a really extreme case and it has to be over something I have a really strong opinion on. I always feel bad about it afterward, too. Like there was this one time where I was arguing and I swear I was going to make my temporary enemy cry.

But back to the way more interesting presidential debates. First off, I'm a Republican and so I will attack Democratic ways. Second, Hillary Clinton is a Democrat and she goes against most of what I believe in. Not to mention she's married to the worst president in all of history. Bill Clinton's mistakes as president number in such large numbers that I won't even get started on him. Well, in the presidential debates she made herself look like even more of a wacko than I previously thought her to be. Not only did she support the wrong things (think universal health care) but her plans for those things made it even worse. Seriously, how can anybody vote for such a monster-person? Then there was Romney, I think that he's OK, and if he gets elected it won't be the end of the world. But there are some issues about him that I think are really weird. For instance, you never know exactly what his views on a matter are because he seems to change them. But that's all I've got against him. Giuliani, so far he's the one that I liked the best. I didn't actually hear much on him but he seems to have thought things out. I think John McCain is the worst Republican because he thinks that open borders and illegal aliens just walking into our country and getting citizenship is all right. Obama, well, he's the only one I didn't really see. But he's so liberal that he doesn't sound like the kind of guy I'd want running my country. And so ends my boring lecture on presidential debates. Oh, and please don't feel bad if I totally insulted your favorite candidate!


Lots of Keys said...

I didn't think anybody else actually liked arguing... Well, my bad I guess...

Panda Girl said...

Hey, so in elementary school did you ever do debates? In 5th grade my class had to do them... and, surprisingly, my partner and I went onto State! (Even though I was horrible at it, guess my partner was just good LOL). But it was actually quite fun! I think you can even go be judges or something.

Brain said...

We had a debate group in sixth grade, but I went on vacation for that week and totally missed it!