Saturday, January 19, 2008

Religious Candidates

I recently read in an article that religion is becoming a major factor in this upcoming presidential race. Hilary Clinton, defying all odds, is actually going to church. Obama is making big statements about religion, Huckabee is a born-again Christian, and then we've got Mitt Romney, who is Mormon. In the article, it said a poll was taken to find out if people would vote more or less for candidates if they were a different religion. I'm happy to report that most people said they didn't care. I don't think that it should make a difference if you are one religion or another. I have met many people who are not Mormon, but uphold better standards than some or most Mormons. Why does the religion of a candidate mean so much to some people? Is it because you automatically assume that if a candidate is your religion they uphold your same values? I can't even begin to imagine that being the case. People should be able to figure these things out. For example, there are inactive and active Catholics. There are Mormons who go to R-rated movies and play M-rated video games while others believe in watching only PG movies and playing E-rated games. Instead of looking at the religion of a candidate, you should be looking at the moral standards and leadership abilities of all the candidates and assess each one. But hey, who ever listens to me?


Panda Girl said...

I totally agree with you. If someone's a certain religion, that shouldn't skewer your judgement of them.

Great post! :D

Marie Degarimore said...

That is very true. You shouldn't judge someone by their religion. And your right. Who WOULD listen to you?

Border Walker said...

I don't listen to you! lol jk