Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This is just a random thought that I have before I jump into my topic: I have written more this term than I ever did during my seventh and eighth grade years combined. Even weirder than that is that I don't really mind. Before I had always thought writing was stupid, but now I enjoy it!

Warning: I would recommend not reading this if you have the wrong opinions and are emotionally unstable. Also, if you think But I agree with what you're saying then I would like to congratulate you on your right opinion and advise you not to take anything said here personally.

Anyway, back to my topic, for the past year or two I have been told by various, anonymous people at Fairfield that President Bush and his administration are dumb. First I'd like to point out that the members of the Bush administration probably have more formal (and informal) education than the average ninth grader and most of the teachers. Second, do you seriously think that you could do any better? Are you an all powerful, omniscient person who can stop wars and better the economy with the wave of your hand? If you are, then I admit defeat, but seeing as magicians aren't around anymore (if they ever were) I really don't see how you can insult someone who is more qualified and doing their best.

Personally, I'm for Bush. I have supported most of Bush's world changing decisions and most of his not so world changing decisions. Granted, sometimes I don't agree with what he does but who doesn't disagree with someone at some point? I mean, COME ON people, grow up a little bit. Nobody's perfect but does that mean they are bad? No. It means they are human, like you, me, and the rest of the past presidents and presidential candidates. Anyway, would the other candidates have been any better? Probably not. Al Gore, one of Bush's major opponents in 2000, said publicly that he wouldn't have known what to do any better than Bush about 9-11 and that Bush was handling the whole thing pretty well.

So is Bush really doing all that bad for a next to impossible situation? I think he's doing great. And now for one of my favorite quotes from Albus Dumbledore. "Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice, between what is right, and what is easy." Well, we're in those dark and difficult times now and Bush is leading the war against terror. The road we should follow may not alway's be easy, but what the heck? Let's do what's right and go down it anyway.


Lots of Keys said...

"So is Bush really doing all that bad for a next to impossible situation?"

The answer is yes. Haha, just kidding. I don't really care that much, but I know what I would say as a response to your blog.

"What would YOU have done in Bush's place?"

I've heard that conversation several times, haha. Nice topic.

Brain said...

Lots of keys, I would have done absolutely nothing and given the whole thing over to Bush.

Here's a question for YOU "How would you have done?"

Panda Girl said...

Wow! Good blog, good blog. :D

...I don't really know what I would do, I guess I don't really care. I like that quote from Albus Dumbledore though. ;)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't quite agree with all of President Bush's decisions... But, I think that you are right that the other candidates that ran against him for office wouldn’t have done any better.

Sorry Moe joe, you might not agree with what I'm about to say...I think that President Bush has made one major mistake. After 9/11 we knew that the culprit was Osama Bin Ladin and the terrorists that followed him. But somehow we ended up focusing more effort on rooting out Suddam Hussein in Iraq. I think we should have stuck to the task at hand and sent more of our soldiers to Afghanistan. For all we know after Osama Bin Ladin could still be out there waiting to strike!

Brain said...

Oh, I didn't say that I agreed with all of Bushes descicions. In fact, I agree with you about that one. But in Bushes defense, we still did focus on that alot. It's just that they didn't make nearly as much headway with that venture as they did with the Saddom Hussein one.

Unknown said...

That was a good blog post! You came up with some good arguments and points that I never would have thought of!